“Recently I volunteered for the Hesed House in Aurora. For a school project I had to give five hours of my time and give back to any place of my choosing.
“I am not going to lie I was not looking forward to it at all. When I got there they had me folding laundry and sorting mail. It was pretty boring. But as I was walking past a man who lived at the shelter he stopped to thank me for my service and he told me how incredibly grateful he is for me to help him out. I was taken aback; I never thought anybody there really cared about what I was doing.
“After awhile my dad and I started talking to the man. I realized the guy is just a normal person like me or anyone else. After I left I couldn’t help but think about the guy. He was an average guy who was just down on his luck. It really made me realize how lucky and grateful I am. By him just saying he appreciated everything I am doing and I’m making a difference in his and everyone else’s lives that were there, just those few words made my day.
“Volunteering at the Hesed House impacted me greatly. It changed my view on how I look at things. Next time I want to get something at the store I’m going to think twice, do I really need it? Now I challenge you to make a difference in someone’s life; volunteer give back your community. Even if you don’t have the time to volunteer, whenever you walk past someone smile and say hi. You have no idea how a simple hello can go, and make someone’s day.”
Rachel Duffy, Naperville
From “Letters to the Editor” in the May 1, 2015 Aurora Beacon News: http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/aurora-beacon-news/opinion/ct-abn-letters-st-0503-20150501-story.html